I've been thinking both about the concepts of ideology and a critique of the media theorists who supported the notion that low culture actually served to "dumb down" the masses by allowing for a passive consumption of content that was deemed questionable both morally and intellectually. At the same time, I've been formally introduced to the phenomenon that is South Park, a show that premiered on Comedy Central to seriously mixed reviews; generally, the split was generational with kids finding it incredible and parents and religious types strenuously raising their eyebrows. As I watched episodes last night for the first time, through the tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks, I couldn't help but think that Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan might help to further my discussion of ideology and certainly allow me a chance to critique the ideas of particularly Leavis and Hoggart.
Generally speaking, I find the concept of ideology to be one of the more difficult ones to discuss; it's hard to examine your own life and identify, let alone analyze, the ideas and values you use to make sense of things. As Storey points out, several working definitions exist; the one I find most useful is ideology as the general set of values and ideas that form a kind of "world view" (the German word used by both Marx and Weber was Weltanschuung meaning literally "world view.") This definition takes us almost into the realm of what an individual might consider a "perspective;" I think the important thing to remember here is that ideology differs from perspective in that ideology often (and in my opinion most accurately) refers to a set of ideas and values that many use to make sense of the world. While everyone may be able to develop their own perspectives, once many people agree on certain ideas and values that dictate and inform their lives, a dominant ideology comes to exist. This, then, forms the basis for some kind of social control; the dominant ideology dictates the norms (or expected behaviors both formal and informal) of a given group.

If we think of ideology as a world view, then South Park immediately becomes a tool we can use to identify the dominant ideology. Because it touched a nerve with so many people who considered it *indecent,* we can use that to talk about what people actually consider decent. Taken together, those ideas and values that form our expectations about what is "good and decent" are an ideology.
So, how is South Park "indecent"? First, it features four kids who swear...a lot. So already, the vulgarity is an issue. (It's not how little

South Park prides itself on doing what is taboo; because norms dictate those behaviors, ideas, and values a collective will tolerate, creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone appear to play on some sense of popular ideology to create a biting social satire of life in Small Town, U.S.A. Thus, all of the "issues" people have with the show indicate what could be a world view dictated by religion (where any sense of morality or what is "right" and "wrong" would likely originate), notions of acceptable social relationships (racism, cult of celebrity, kid/parent/school relationships are developed from this based on a power or status basis), and certain understandings of what "normal" (constructions of race, gender, class, age, work, and so on) and "decent" (the matters of vulgarity, graphic sex talk, and mocking or defacing symbols that we strongly associate with something meaningful would arise here.) If we find ourselves balking at the show, it's content, or characters, it may be because our "worldview" is under attack; South Park may question our ideology.
Because of this and some of the repeating themes of this show (disabilities, sexuality, politics, racism, gay rights, death, censorship, political correctness and the environment to name a few), this show poses serious problems for the early media theorists who claimed that mass culture was a "dumbing down" of culture creating passive, stupid masses of people unable to think for themselves. Because they were responding to the media of their time, I'll cut these theorists a little slack--they never saw nor imagined social commentary via paper-cutout cartoons on television. However, today we hear echoes of this theme coming from the very people who reject South Park because of its content. While we might have concerns about the *form* of the media (the vulgarity, the "indecency" if we must), it seems almost impossible to deny that the social commentary within very accurately criticizes a worldview that, for many, creates a social reality of oppression and discrimination. This show is one of a handful daring to boldly point out a variety of social injustices, inconsistencies in government and "the establishment," and institutions that we often cannot or will not critique. This is a smart show shrouded in swear words and shocking storylines. It requires an informed and intelligent audience who, if paying attention, cannot help but walk away with some very serious questions. Even more important, those who come strictly for Cartman often walk away having been introduced to some new ideas about how social life may actually be. Parker and Stone prove again and again to be astute observers of social life giving us some serious social realities to think about. And that's not a project either for or producing uninformed, unaware "masses" who just "Blame Canada" for all their troubles.
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