Friday, March 14, 2008

Fox Attacks

Though I'm not sure how, I started getting these e-mails from a group called "Fox Attacks" that, in the spirit of Michael Moore and Out Foxed, has become a self-appointed watchdog group for Fox News. Occasionally, they'll put out a video they produced which "rights" the wrongs of Fox News' coverage of political news. This is the latest installment focused on Barack Obama and what FA is calling a "smear campaign" being waged by Fox News.

I'm putting this up here not so much as a political statement but a great example of a counter-ideology. We've discussed ad nauseum how Fox News operates with a clear political agenda even though it bills itself as "fair and balanced" when it comes to reporting political news. Fox Attacks, in an attempt to call Fox News on its bias, employs a strong bias of its own. I notice it especially in the method of this video; they use all of the "methods" that Fox News often employs just to make the opposite case. So, I basically have to conclude that I can trust neither.

This fascinates me and makes me wonder whether or not there is a viable way to work against a clear ideology without completely discrediting the counter-balancing message. Fox Attacks wants to argue in the same manner as Fox News to directly show the ways in which Fox News is "smearing" Obama. However, in doing so, Fox Attacks just looks like the same ideological juggernaut simply espousing a different, but still potentially problematic, ideology.

How does one work against the machine without getting sucked into it?

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